The following Terms and Conditions set forth the Agreement between the Independent Skincare and Makeup Ambassador (“Ambassador”) and Wild Nature Australia Pty Ltd
(“Wild Nature”). 2/86 Centennial Circuit, Byron Bay, N.S.W 2481, Australia
As a Wild Nature Ambassador, you agree:
- To promote and sell Wild Nature products, in your own name and for your own account, by regularly conducting private and group skincare and makeup demonstrations. No product needs to be purchased by the Ambassador other than
the Wild Nature Ambassador Starter Kit or Wild Nature Ambassador Success kit.
* Ambassador Starter Kit is the initial kit purchased on sign-up
* Ambassador Success kit is the kit received every 4 months after the initial 3 month
All products will be dispatched by Wild Nature from orders placed by the
Ambassador or the Ambassador’s customers via the website
(, email, phone or text.
- To sell Wild Nature products to end user consumers and not to sell those products
to retail sales or service establishments. As a Wild Nature Ambassador, it is your responsibility to assure that each customer is furnished with Wild Nature products specific to their individual needs and receives sufficient personal instruction to
assure proper use and promote ultimate consumer satisfaction.
- To maintain the highest standards of integrity, honesty and responsibility in
dealings with the Company, consumers and other Wild Nature Ambassadors.
To represent Wild Nature products in a truthful and sincere manner and hold the Company harmless from damages resulting from misrepresentations by me.
- To protect the Wild Nature trademarks and trade name by obtaining the Company’s written permission prior to my use in any advertising or literature other than the Company’s published material.
I understand that the sale of Wild Nature products to public, retail or service establishments of any kind is inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement.
- To assume sole liability for any self-employment income taxes related to my
activities as a Wild Nature Ambassador
- To purchase a Kit and all Wild Nature products only from the Company unless otherwise agreed to by the Company. All orders submitted to Wild Nature shall be accompanied by the appropriate payment as identified on the email or online
Terms & Conditions made payable to the order of the Company for the full amount due. The Ambassador understands that all orders are subject to acceptance by the Company and the terms of this Agreement. The Ambassador also understand that
they assume the risk of sales.
- The Ambassador is not in a joint venture with, or a franchisee, partner, agent or employee of Wild Nature. I have no power or authority to incur any debt,
obligation or liability on behalf of the Company.
- Wild Nature reserves the right to assure continued service to the Ambassadors customers if the Ambassador ceases to be an active Wild Nature Ambassador.
An Ambassador is considered “active” if:
(a.) they have purchased the Ambassador Starter Kit within the previous 3 months
(b.) they have purchased the Ambassador Success kit within the previous 4 months.
* Ambassador Starter Kit is the initial kit purchased on sign-up
* Ambassador Success kit is the kit received every 4 months after the
initial 3 month period.
To purchase a Wild Nature Ambassador Starter Kit at a cost of $498.00
(Four hundred and Ninety Eight Dollars) including GST .
* Ambassador Starter Kit is the initial kit purchased on sign-up
* Ambassador Success kit is the kit received every 4 months after the
initial 3 month period.
- With the Ambassador Starter Kit - To receiving 3(three) training modules in the
first month of the contract in relation to Wild Nature products, sales, customer
service and administration.
A Wild Nature Ambassador also agrees and understands that they must book these 3 training modules in advance on the calendar supplied by Wild Nature and that there is no cost to me for the training. The Ambassador understand that they will be charged
a $20.00 fee for each training module that they are absent from without giving
Wild Nature notice of 48 hours prior to that training module.
* Ambassador Starter Kit is the initial kit purchased on sign-up
* Ambassador Success kit is the kit received every 4 months after the initial
3 month period.
- To having the right to receive a Wild Nature Success Kit, at the end of the contract period, for a total cost of $58.00 (Fifty Eight Dollars) including GST , if
(a) with the Ambassador Starter Kit- The Ambassador sells product to the value of $960.00 or more and they have added 2 (two) new purchasing customers per month
to their database within the 3 month contract period
(b) with the Ambassador Success Kit - The Ambassador sell product to the value of $1280.00 or more and they have added 2 (two) new purchasing customers per
month to their database within the 4 month contract period:
and that The Ambassador will have no claim to this Success kit if they do not
reach this target.
* Ambassador Starter Kit is the initial kit purchased on sign-up
* Ambassador Success kit is the kit received every 4 months after the initial 3 month period
- To provide a 20% discount to the Ambassador from retail prices on items
purchased for personal, family and customer sales on the then-current website The discount shall not apply to samples, literature or sales promotion items. This discount purchase is available at any time during the Ambassadors active contract and there is no limit to the number of individual purchases. The Ambassador is permitted to use the total of these personal and customer purchases each month to add to their sales total.
- To pay the Ambassador a monthly commission of 20%ex GST on all purchases of Wild Nature products made by persons whom the Ambassador has personally listed on their sales database, for so long as the Ambassador is active. An Ambassador
must be “active” in order to receive a monthly personal commission.
An Ambassador is considered “active” if:
(a.) they have purchased the Ambassador Starter Kit within the previous 3 months
(b.) they have purchased the Ambassador Success Kit within the previous 4 months
- With the Ambassador Starter Kit - To supply the Ambassador with 3 training modules for the purpose of sales training, product information, customer service and administration. Wild Nature will supply the Ambassador with a calendar in which the Ambassador will book these training modules in advance.
- To, at the end of the contract period, issue the Ambassador with a Wild Nature Ambassador Success Kit for the price of $58.00 (Fifty Eight Dollars) including GST , if:
(a) with the Ambassador Starter Kit- The Ambassador has sold product to the value of $960.00 or more and has added 2 (two) or more new purchasing customers per month to their database:
(b) with the Ambassador Success Kit- The Ambassador has sold product to the value of $1280.00 or more and has added 2 (two) or more new purchasing customers per month to their database.
- That Wild Nature may change suggested retail prices, pack contents, discounts, commissions, transportation charges, and active status requirements at any time with 30 days prior written notice to the Ambassador.
That there will be no direct sales from Wild Nature to the Ambassador’s customer without a commission being paid to the customer’s Ambassador, provided the Ambassador is an active member of the Wild Nature sales organisation at the time of the sale.
Customers are encouraged to note their Ambassador at checkout on the web or phone, but, in the case of no notification, Wild Nature will check all active Ambassador databases for all sales received by web, email and phone to confirm the customer’s Ambassador.
Commissions paid to the Ambassador will be charged back on customer returns.
That Wild Nature shall provide the Ambassador with an adequate record of all goods or services supplied by the Company to the Ambassador in respect of which payment is due for the Ambassador, which may take the form of any itemised order form, invoice or receipt.
- This Agreement is subject to acceptance by Wild Nature through issuance of
a letter of acceptance by email to the Ambassador.
- This Agreement shall be effective from the date of acceptance for 3 (three) months and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for additional terms of 4 (four) months providing the Ambassador has reached the specified and agreed to sales targets and consents to renewing this agreement with a “Wild Nature Ambassador Success kit”.
- This Agreement is not subject to alteration, modification or change, except in
writing, signed by an authorised executive of Wild Nature and shall not be deemed
to be changed, modified or altered by reason of any advice, suggestions,
guides or sales aids furnished by the Company to the Ambassador.
- It is not necessary to submit a new Ambassador Agreement if the Ambassador reinstates within one month of the end of the contract period, as the terms and conditions of the then-current Ambassador will continue in full force and effect.
For record purposes an Ambassador must update the Company with customer
details for the Ambassador’s database on a weekly basis.
- Both parties acknowledge that the Ambassador is not an employee of the
Company and will not be treated as an employee with respect to this
Agreement for tax purposes or otherwise.
- Wild Nature Australia Pty Ltd of 2/86 Centennial Circuit, Byron Bay, NSW 2481, Australia is the promoter of this trading scheme in Australia. The goods, which
are sold under this scheme, are skin care, cosmetics, body care and related
products, produced and supplied by Wild Nature and such other goods or
services as the Company may market from time to time.
- The Ambassador hereby confirms that she/he has received a copy of and has read, understands and accepts all of the terms of the Wild Nature Ambassador Agreement and hereby applies to become a Wild Nature Ambassador.
- This Agreement does not constitute the sale of a distributorship, a franchise or a licence.